Apostrophe Use in English

The correct use of the apostrophe in English is problematic for both natives and English-language learners alike. Refresh your understanding of the rules of apostrophe use with the following simple explanations.

Apostrophes are used to form contractions, the shortened form of one or two words created by omitting letters. The apostrophe takes the place of the missing letters.

can’t = cannot

it’s = it is

don’t = do not

could’ve = could have

‘til = until

Apostrophes also indicate possession. To form possessives, follow these rules:

Add  ’s to the singular form:

the boy’s book

Katie’s cat

Chris’s coat (Chris’ coat is also acceptable in this case.)

Add  ’s to the plural forms that do not end in -s:

the children’s toys

the mice’s tails

Add to plural nouns that end in -s:

the two dogs’ bones

my sisters’ husbands

Add ’s to the last noun to indicate joint possession of an object:

Mike and Jenny’s house

Apostrophes denote the plurals of lowercase letters. When a letter appears in lowercase, form the plural by adding ’s after the letter. Capitalized letters, numbers and symbols do not need apostrophes.

Non-native Spanish speakers have trouble trilling their r’s.

Mind your p’s and q’s.

The man claimed he saw three UFOs.

Disco was popular in the 1970s.

When NOT to use an apostrophe

Apostrophes should never be used with possessive pronouns such as its and hers because these words already indicate possession.

wrong: The team won it’s third title.

correct: The team won its third title.

Avoid randomly using apostrophes with plural nouns.

wrong: He rode six miles’ into town.

correct: He rode six miles into town.

Do you frequently make mistakes with apostrophes in your writing? Here are a couple of tips to use when proofreading:

  • If you have a habit of leaving off apostrophes, check the words that end in -s or -es to see if they need an apostrophe.
  • If you are guilty of using too many apostrophes, check each apostrophe to see if you can justify it with one of the rules mentioned above.

Spelling Errors Cost Companies Millions in Lost Sales

Poor grammar, errant punctuation, and typographical errors all spell disaster for online sales. When it comes to Internet sales and marketing, shoddy websites filled with spelling gaffes rarely get a second chance to impress. In fact, most visitors make up their minds about the quality of a website in just six seconds. According to British Internet entrepreneur Charles Duncombe, just one spelling error on a company’s website can lead to a 50% decrease in online sales. He estimates that Internet retailers lose millions every week due to spelling slip-ups.

Consumers look to attention to detail in spelling and grammar as important indicators of a website’s credibility. Spelling mistakes and poor grammar sound alarm bells for potential customers concerned about spam or phishing. While there seems to be a more tolerant attitude toward spelling and grammar mistakes on social media sites such as Facebook, websites marketing products and services can’t afford to take a lax approach to spelling blunders.

For more information on this story, visit BBC News.

Translating for Non-profits

Non-profit organizations and NGOs focus on improving the lives of others through diverse initiatives targeted at issues such as housing, social welfare, the environment, health care, education and human rights. These organizations typically require translation services to effectively explain their vision to a global audience, carry out their campaigns and fundraising efforts, and to communicate with those whom their programs benefit and serve. The social impact of materials translated for non-profit organizations must be carefully considered, along with the fact that virtually all agencies of this type function under budgetary constraints.

In the United States alone, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of non-profit organizations taking action to better the lives of the Latino community through their programs and initiatives. Non-profit organizations aimed at serving Hispanics are particularly vital to recent immigrants, who benefit from assistance without the difficulty of the language and culture barrier. Some of the largest non-profits devoted to the U.S. Hispanic community include the ASPIRA Association, Hispanic Housing Development Corp., the National Council of La Raza, and the Hispanic Scholarship Fund.

Non-profit agencies are particularly involved in South America, with many organizations choosing to focus on Brazil. The non-profit sector in Brazil is expanding, with U.S. companies such as Walmart supporting philanthropic activities in Brazil as a means to establish a presence in this fast-growing, influential economy. It’s essential for Brazilian non-profit organizations looking to solicit donations from corporate entities and foundations abroad to translate their materials from Portuguese.

A non-profit organization in its initial stages may have little to no budget for translation services. In this case, non-profits will sometimes connect with student translators or linguists just starting their careers who are in need of “résumé builders.” Experienced translators – who are likelier to turn out a high quality translation – often work for more established NGOs or non-profit agencies at reduced rates, as a way to give something back to the community.

If you’re a representative of a non-profit organization or NGO, click here to learn more about Transpanish’s discounted translation rate for non-profits.

Related articles:
Translations for Non-profits in a Bad Economy
Latinos and the Non-profit sector

The Meaning of Yeta

Argentine Spanish is strewn with words and colorful phrases from Lunfardo, a rich vocabulary born on the streets of Buenos Aires in the second half of the 19th century. Now considered a fixture of the Spanish language in Argentina (especially in and around Buenos Aires) and Uruguay, linguists cite the use of Lunfardo as a defining characteristic of the Rioplatense dialect. Add a dash of Argentine flavor to your Spanish vocabulary with the Transpanish blog’s ongoing feature highlighting some of the most frequently used terms in Lunfardo.

In Lunfardo, the word “yeta” refers to a jinx; something or someone who brings bad luck. Experts in Lunfardo believe that the word “yeta” is derived from the words “jettatura” and “jettatore” of the Neapolitan dialect of Italian, meaning “evil influence” or “a man whose presence brings harm or bad luck to others.” Given that the word “yeta” initially gained popularity with the working class, it’s difficult to say when its use became widespread among all Buenos Aires residents; however, the first instances of this slang term in the written word crop up in 1915.

Related words in Lunfardo: enyetar, yetar, yetado, yetadura

In addition, jeta occasionally appears as an alternate spelling of yeta.

Usage examples:  Victims of bad luck might exclaim, “¡Qué yeta!” instead of “¡Qué mala suerte!

The word “yeta” turns up in the lyrics of the tango “Preparate pa’l domingo” by José Rial and Guillermo Barbieri.

Preparate pa’l domingo si querés cortar tu yeta;
tengo una rumbiada papa que pagará gran sport.
Me asegura mi datero que la corre un buen muñeca
y que paga, por lo menos, treinta y siete a ganador.
Vos no hagás correr el yeite, atenete a mis informes;
dejá que opinen contrario “Jornada” y “La Razón”.
Con mi dato pa’l domingo podés llamarte conforme…
Andá preparando vento; cuanto más vento, mejor.



How to Find Work as a Translator

Connect with Potential Employers Online

The websites ProZ and TranslatorsCafé, specifically geared toward the translation industry, provide access to directories of translation agencies to which you can offer your services. Both sites feature job search boards for translators working in hundreds of different language combinations. In addition to the various sites targeted directly at translators, social media sites such as LinkedIn and Twitter offer sources of job opportunities. Regardless of which sites you use, make sure you complete your profile and connect with both translators and agencies to maximize your chances of landing a gig. Click here for Twitter tips for translators.

Networking Face to Face

Actively networking and seeking out off-line relationships with other translators can reap rewards in terms of generating leads. Consider joining one of the many professional societies for translators, and attend professional development events and seminars whenever possible. Translators on ProZ also organize get-togethers (powwows) where you can meet colleagues and possibly make professional contacts that will bring you work.

Spread the Word

Promoting your translation services through word of mouth remains one of the best methods for capturing new clients. Let family and friends know you are looking for work, and keep a stack of business cards on hand to distribute to potential clients.

Develop a Niche

Translation agencies and direct clients frequently look for translators with specialized, content-specific expertise. If you do not currently have a niche, you ought to consider developing one to be more competitive.

Send out Résumés

Send emails to translation agencies and include your résumé/CV and website information. In the case of a local agency, make the extra effort to go in person and introduce yourself with résumé in hand. Make sure that your résumé is free of spelling and grammatical errors, which are unprofessional under any circumstances but particularly lethal if you are a linguist. Visit our post Résumé Writing Tips for Translators.

Consider Freelance vs. In-house

Freelance translation provides freedom, flexibility and variety. Since you are the boss, you have the option of picking and choosing those projects that best suit your skills and interests. In addition, savvy freelancers who market themselves effectively can pick up clients from around the globe. However, freelancing requires the translator to wear all sorts of hats; you will be responsible for everything from accounting to advertising. Working at home also demands a lot of discipline that not everyone can muster. Get more information about working as a freelance translator here.

In-house translators generally work a fixed, full-time schedule at a company. These positions offer the promise of guaranteed income and a steady flow of projects, plus a support team at the company that takes care of all the logistics that a freelancer must manage alone. In-house translation positions allow linguists to acquire lots of experience, but translators in this environment generally focus on just one subject.